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Smart street light

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Smart street light

Product attributes

  • Classification:Smart street
  • Product no. :1573025405
  • Number of views:0
  • Date of issue:2019-12-07
  • Product overview
  • Performance feature
  • Technical parameters

        One of the most basic elements of a smart city is to achieve the most sufficient perception of the city's various basic information; to provide the most convenient services for citizens. City lighting street light poles are located in every corner of the city to achieve frontal coverage of the city's geographical location. The smart street light pole management system is a good means of sensing the basic information of the city, and it is also one of the most convenient services for citizens.

        The urban smart light pole management system is conducive to information technology, perception technology, network technology, display technology, video technology, etc.Upgrading traditional street light poles with single functions to smart light poles and combining with the background management system, so as to realize the basic information perception of smart cities Collection, citizen information release, commercial advertisement interaction, and convenience services are equal to the integrated display city smart street light management system.

system structure


Smart Lighting: Real-time monitoring, intelligent dimming, automatic alarm, intelligent analysis

Green energyLED street light lighting system, saving more than 50% of electricity costs, car charging piles, mobile phone charging.

Smart Security: Network monitoring, public broadcasting, public security.

Intelligent perception: Environmental meteorological monitoring, low-altitude monitoring, parking space monitoring, electronic tags.

Emergency help: One-click help, language intercom, video call.

Information exchange: Government announcement, information release, information inquiry, advertisement release.

Wireless city:FREE WIFI, urban micro base stations, traffic analysis, location services

Human-computer interaction: Users can query nearby business information, nearby bus stations, and book hotels and purchase tickets for nearby scenic spots on the inquiry machine.

Implementation mode

Reconstruction of traditional light poles: use existing lines and grids to rebuild the original light poles and install custom equipment

Customized function light pole: Customize the shape and function of the light pole according to the place and occasion;

Full-featured pole: the original lines and grids are transformed on key sections, with full-featured coverage.


Prev:Smart street light2019-12-07

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Yangzhou liwei lighting electric appliance co. LTD


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Marketing Center:Room 2017, Shangcheng international building, Hanjiang District, Yangzhou City


Production Center: Yangzhou Guoji Lighting Industrial Park
